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The Client

Maura Walters is a brand strategist and business mentor helping service-based entrepreneurs start and scale their business in the online space.

The Brief

I was contracted by Maura to develop an email sequence as part of the initial launch of her group mentoring program. The goal was to enroll 5 clients into this cohort of the program.

The Process:

Automate - I outlined an automation sequence of 5 emails designed to nurture leads from a free masterclass and guide them into her group mentoring program.

Segment - We set up segmentation in MailChimp to ensure we were targeting warm leads and increase our conversion rate.

Execute - We sent out the email automation sequence over the course of 2.5 weeks leading up to the program launch date.

The Results

We exceeded the campaign goal by enrolling 8 clients into the program by the launch date, and achieved an average email open rate of 56%.

View Work Sample

Maura Walters

Lindsay is a joy to work with in every sense of the word: She's enterprising, responsible and at the very top of her game. As a professional writer, I was nervous about letting anyone else manage my newsletter and social media content, but I desperately needed support as my business was growing. Lindsay nailed my voice immediately. I never had to worry if something sounded off brand or disingenuous. She brings a wonderful mix of creativity and strategy to everything she does.

Email Sample

Subject Line: The #1 Mistake I See Freelancers Making

Preview Text: Is this keeping you stuck, *|FNAME|*?

Hey *|FNAME|*,

Do you feel like youā€™re in constant ā€œhustleā€ mode with nothing to show for it?

Are you always worrying where your next client will come from?

Have you been side hustling for a while, but you havenā€™t quite been able to take this thing full time?

Do you find yourself feeling burnt out with no free time - even though freedom + flexibility was the whole reason you wanted to work for yourself in the first place?

Iā€™ve been there, *|FNAME|*. I spent more than a decade freelancing writingā€”feeling burnt out from the constant hustle, panicking over the next assignment and running around like a chicken with my head cut off because I had zero professional boundaries.

Hereā€™s the mistake I made that was keeping me stuck for so longā€¦

I wasnā€™t treating my business like a business.

I was trying to piecemeal a successful business from a course on marketing here + a webinar on branding there + a free proposal template (or 10) + YouTube videos about how to start an online business.

Sound familiar?

I get it, *|FNAME|*. Thereā€™s tons of free information online, so it feels like you should be able to access all the information you need to create the business youā€™re dreaming of.

But when youā€™re treating your business like a disorganized hot messā€¦ donā€™t be surprised if thatā€™s how you end up feeling šŸ˜‰

I created IGNITE for creative freelancers who are ready to get out of this feast-or-famine cycle FOR GOOD, and become the passionate, profitable business owner youā€™re meant to be.

In 90 days, Iā€™ll teach you all the keys that took me from frantic freelancer to 6-figure business owner within a year.

By the end of the program, you will:

āœ”ļø Learn how to create proposals that sell.
āœ”ļø Get crystal clear about who your dream clients are.
āœ”ļø Have a calendar that supportsā€”rather than drainsā€”you.
āœ”ļø Develop a product suite and feel confident charging what youā€™re worth.
āœ”ļø Implement systems for scheduling, organizing your work and getting PAID.Ā 
āœ”ļø Get over your fear of being ā€œsales-yā€ and feel excited about marketing yourself.
āœ”ļø Gain a forever community of like-minded freelancers and accountability partners

Itā€™s time to create the freedom + flexibility you crave, work with your soul mate clients, and make great money.

We kick off on May 2nd.

Apply by X/X to get $500 off upon enrollment.

Click the button below for all the details + to submit your application.

I canā€™t wait to see you inside!



Ready to turn your email list into paying clients?

Click the button below to book a call so we can discuss your needs and find the right package to elevate your email game.

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